types of darkroom

Entry Type / Darkroom Door

The darkroom is an important location in the radiology department where the x-ray film taken is processed. This room lacks illumination compared to normal rooms. The purpose of keeping dark in this room is to process photosensitive photographic materials.


The door of this room is light tight, that is, it is made in such a way that rays of light could not enter it. The door has a locking system so that other people do not enter the room during film processing.

There are four types of darkroom depending on entrance / entry.

1. revolving door

It is the most expensive type of the most efficient type of door. It is made up of two cylinders. The outer cylinder is fixed and the inner part is a curved door with only one opening.

revolving door

2. Single door

 This is the most simple and inexpensive type of door. Due to this door's left descent being open, light rays directly enter the dark room. In this type of round system, locking mechanism is used. When the film bin is open in the darkroom or the film is being processed, the door remains locked / closed.

Single door

3. Double door system

 This type of dark room has two doors, one door opens to the outside and one opens inward. There is a hallway between the two doors. In this pattern, one door opens only when the other door is closed.

Double door system

4. Maze type door

 In this type of entrance, there is no door, a labyrinth like a labyrinth leads to Darkroom, for this more space is required, it is also called labyrinth entrance.

Maze type door